10 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales By Giving Away Software
1. Gain free advertising by submitting your softwareto freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. Thiswill increase the number of visitors to your web site.
2. If you created the free software yourself, you willbecome known as an expert. This will gain people'strust and they will buy your main product faster.
3. Offer your software as an extra free bonus to thepeople that buy one of your main products. Peoplebuy products quicker with free bonuses included.
4. Publish your free software on disk or CD-Romthen include it with your direct mail packages. Thiscan increase the amount of orders you'll receive.
5. Build your opt-in e-mail list fast by asking yourvisitors to give you their contact information beforethey can download your software.
6. People love to get free stuff. They will visit yourweb site to download the free software. Make surethe software is attractive to your target audience.
7. Tell people they can download your software atno-cost if they link to your web site. This strategywill multiply your advertising all over the internet.
8. You will gain valuable referrals from people thattell others about the free software you give away.Word of mouth advertising can be very powerful.
9. Increase your e-zine's subscriber base by givingaway software to people that subscribe to youre-zine. This'll give them an incentive to subscribe.
10. Give away software to your current customersas a way of letting them know you appreciate theirbusiness. This'll create loyalty and repeat sales.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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